Florida law (§626.9541,F.S.) states the specifics on why drivers who have received a moving violation and have the option to elect to take a Florida BDI course to keep points off their records choose to do so. People often choose to take the course voluntarily in order to prevent points from being assessed to their driving records, thereby causing insurance rate increases. The Florida BDI course may be taken voluntarily or ordered by a Florida court, or by the DHSMV. Our Florida BDI course is fully state approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and will teach you important defensive driving principles that will help you stay safe behind the wheel, including Attitude States, which we believe to be a critical. Ticket School’s BDI course is offered 100% online and is comprised of video content, animations, graphics, and text. The course is designed to teach Florida drivers defensive driving concepts. The Florida Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) Course is a four-hour driver improvement course consisting of six units.