You can also use our document generator to make your Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale for free in just a couple of minutes.A bill of sale is a document that transfers ownership of goods from one person to another.

You should also include the selling price of the car, warranty information and the full names, addresses and signatures of the buyer and seller.Īlternatively, you can use our free Vehicle Bill of Sale template available for Word (.doc), Adobe PDF (.pdf) or Google Docs. If you do attempt to write your own, you must ensure that you include vital information such as the date of the sale, a description of the car, including its year, VIN number, license plate number, current mileage and the make and model.

Using a template will save you time and may help avoid any costly legal mistakes. Whilst you can write your own bill of sale, there are many templates online that you can use for free. Can I write my own Bill of Sale for a motor vehicle? This is a legal requirement in some states and countries and failure to include this may result in fines and/or imprisonment. It is also important to include an odometer disclosure statement.

This will help to avoid any future disputes regarding the sale. You will need this document if you are purchasing a vehicle from a private individual and want to keep a record of the transaction for your own legal protection. Do I need a Bill of Sale to sell my vehicle? While the purchase and sale of used vehicles is arguably the most common use of a Bills of Sale, they can be used for any items of value such as equipment or appliances. A motor vehicle Bill of Sale is a document that transfers ownership of a given vehicle from a seller to a buyer.